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Almost everyone will get neck pain at some point in life. Your neck supports the head and provides passage for blood vessels between the head and body. Your neck also supports the spinal cord and brain and is a common area for injury and pain.
Your neck is home to the upper region of the spine called the cervical region. The spinal bones in your neck are cushioned by soft tissue called intervertebral discs.
Injury to your neck, or stress in your life, can cause damage to the bones and discs in the neck, causing neck pain, discomfort, numbness and/or tingling sensations.
The neck also has many muscles and connective tissues. A neck injury, stretching, spasm, or strain can cause pain and discomfort in your neck and upper spine, and can even cause you pain in other areas, like the arms and your back.
Pain from problems with the neck can also be experienced in the shoulders and arms as numbness, tingling, and weakness.
Our chiropractors specialize in diagnostics, equipment use, and special techniques for accessing the cause of neck pain and bringing necessary relief to restore normal movement, overcome muscle weakness and enhance muscle tone, speed recovery, and diminish chronic symptoms that can persist or recur over many years.